Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3030 When Internet Connectivity More Fastest!

When Technology meet Comedy Drama, Human Hologram, and Lightning Technology on The Cozy Stage. 3030

        Do you know what's 3030? Uhm....before i watched the show i didn't know what's 3030. But i did! So i'll tell you..

        3030 is a show that entertain us how connectivity is most important thing in year 3030, because it makes our work easier, and easier to connect each other by using internet fastest connectivity by information and technology.The people from 3030 came to 2014 to bring the internet technology for people who live in 2014. By this story, they bring the technology to make the world in year 2014 more colorful, and futuristic.

      This show was held by "3" or "TRI" cellphone card for GSM cellular, to promote their new product of "BIMA TRI" for fastest internet connectivity. I watched this show last night with my close friend, in Radakng, Traditional Dayak House in Pontianak, May, 27 th, 2014,..and it really-really awesome and entertain us!

        I never watch this show before. Do you ever see the human hologram before? no? here...we can see human hologram by lightening technology..

        Besides human hologram, we can see people play with laser light by their hands.. they can touch the light and move it into other side on the cozy stage.

         Not only with their human hologram, or other lightening technology, they also entertain us with comedy drama from Javanese Wayang story, about Dwipadi's queen with four Pandawa's such as Bagong, Petruk, Garong, and Semar which are wearing Javanese Wayang attire, a old switch man, a silly boy, and off course two people who came form the year of 3030.

           They prove us if the technology can combining with traditional drama, and fastest connectivity is important to our daily life. This show also imagine us, right now we are not only have to do "techno perform" wit our gadget, but also it our "traditional perform" as our base to begin the future from now, even the century is going to be continue..

          Over all, the show was funny, entertaining, informative (about tri product), and make us remember about our Javanese Wayang story. Easy to understanding and Cozy!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Learning English by "Traditional" and "Modern" Handphone Game Technology for Children

"Traditional Handphone's Game"     

       ICT (Information Communication and Technology) isn't should a new things on the Children's Learning, even from several year ago, while the writer was a child, and BlackBerry, and Android weren't estibilished. Actually, Children had been know about technology especially for learning English in base learning of english, likes account one until ten, learning music notations (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la,si, do), and learning about alphabets and name of animals and fruits. 

        What's the technology? Ya! Easy technology made from China :D

       Picture above is the handphone's game (but it was not really "traditionally" design, cause it's a BlackBarry design). We compare with writer's game when writer was a child :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

International Youth Network - Taipei, Taiwan (24-31 August 2014)

Intercultural Discovery and Exchange in Asia Project 2014 ‪#‎IYN_Taiwan‬
What are you going to do in this summer?
Do you want to explore Taiwan?
Do you want to make global friends and share the cultures with one another?
IDEA will be your best choice!!!
Date:Aug 24-Aug 31 ,2014
Total Fee: 300 US Dollars
Deadline: 25th May, 2014
[Information of IDEA 2014]
Eligibility:undergraduate students & graduates students from all over the world!
(Aug 24 and Aug 31 for pick-up and see-off)

Lomba Menulis Kementerian Pendidikan. DL. September 2014

Lomba Menulis Cerita ada 13 Tema - Juara 1: 7,5jt by Kemdikbud (DL 1 September 2014) 

15 (lima belas) peserta terbaik akan diundang ke Jakarta untuk mengikuti seleksi final. 
Tema 1. Kejujuran 2. Ketulusan 3. Disiplin 4. Kerja Keras 5. Cinta Tanah Air 6. Cinta Lingkungan 7. Kasih Sayang 8. Kesabaran 9. Sopan Santun 10. Toleransi 11. Kepedulian Sosial 12. Semangat Gotong-royong 13. Bencana Alam 

  • Persyaratan Peserta adalah siswa SD/MI (terbuka mulai kelas III hingga kelas VI dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari Kepala Sekolah Iengkap dengan NISN). 
  • Peserta adalah siswa SMP/MTS ( dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari Kepala Sekolah Iengkap dengan NISN). Tulisan berbentuk cerita. 
  • Tulisan dibuat sendiri tanpa bantuan/intervensi guru/orang tua dan bukan merupakan jiplakan, saduran, atau terjemahan dari karya Iain, diperkuat dengan “Surat Pernyataan Keaslian Karya/Naskah”(bermaterai Rp 6.000,00). 
  • Tulisan belum pernah dipublikasikan di media mana pun. 

Ketetuan Tulisan:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Create a Blog is Easy

Hi guys...how are you today? I hope you fine and behalf on the God's honestly
Well...Today, i'll to inform you about blogger. 
  • Do you know what is blog?
Base on my opinion, blog or web log is a place or page to share about anything idea and information by using internet as a particular word wide connection. It means, blog is same likes social media like Facebook or Fan page or eventually Website, but its free and anybody can create easily. Blog also a home for people which is like to write  their own opinion, such as journal, essay, and research paper, to share and everyone can visit and read their its. The journal and another things in blog is called as post/posting.